Valley Agronomics, a long time Agworld customer, was recently featured in Croplife and articles – and for good reason. As Matthew Grassi puts it: “Valley Agronomics, out in the Pacific Northwest…. There’s something about those guys, they just get it…”. He goes on to describe how Connor Lankford, Precision Ag Manager at Valley Agronomics’ Rupert, ID, and his team use Agworld to manage their grower-facing services.
It is refreshing to see articles are getting written about the service side of Digital Agriculture, and not just about products and features that are becoming available. It is obvious that without the critical support, knowledge and drive of agronomic organizations such as Valley Agronomics, growers would not be able to fully benefit from products and services available in the world of Precision Ag. “When growers see a product getting supported by their trusted advisor, they start to get truly engaged”, says Taylor Horton, Key Account Manager with Agworld.

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Taylor goes on to mention how well Valley Agronomics have adopted the Agworld Platform: “Connor and his team really see the value of Agworld’s collaborative grower facing platform, and because of this they have some of the most truly engaged customers on our platform in the US. We work on a day-to-day basis with Connor, but also with Valley agronomists such as Laurel Herrling and Jake Shelburne (Pictured below). By working together closely with the whole team, I feel that we can all optimize our service offering to our clients. We are proud to be working with such passionate people as the guys and gals over at Valley Agronomics; they really help us maximize our value proposition”.
In his article, Matthew Grassi explains why Valley Agronomics created their Platinum Precision Program and how they use it to differentiate themselves from their competition. Most importantly, it highlights how this program is tied together with the crop inputs agronomy side of things. Ethan Parkin, an Idaho Valley Agronomist is quoted in the article as saying: “These growers have had a lot of precision ag tools pushed on them in the past, but those companies haven’t necessarily had an agronomist tied to that tool”. This again highlights the importance of having an integrated partnership between technology providers such as Agworld, service providers such as Valley Agronomics, and growers.
If you would like more information on how the Agworld platform can help growers and service providers collaborate seamlessly, please reach out to