On the back of a very successful 2019 for Agworld in all major markets and the recent announcement of expansion into Canada, Agworld found itself in need of more office space in Perth to accommodate the growing team. As luck would have it, neighbouring premises became available late last year, which made it a lot easier to realize an office expansion. Agworld is still located on 38 Oxford close in West Leederville and now has plenty of space to facilitate future growth.
Agworld CEO Doug Fitch comments: “Agworld has been in operation for over 10 years now and the majority of that time we’ve had an office presence at 38 Oxford Close. When we found out that we were able to expand our office space to accommodate our growth, without having to move to a different location, the decision was an easy one for us to make.”

“We still occupy part of our former office space as well but took this opportunity to remodel and reorganize all our space to improve the way we work. Being able to provide the team with state-of-the-art office space is important to us as it improves employee wellness and productivity. We have very ambitious growth targets for 2020 and beyond; having this increased office space available to us allows us to expand our team when we need to in future.”

Got what it takes to join the Agworld team? We’re looking for talented individuals to help us deliver innovative solutions in agriculture.
Agworld CTO David Eddy adds to this: “In 2019 we made some significant changes to the way the development team is structured and how we interact with each other on a daily basis. We have adopted a ‘squad-based’ approach and went from 1 release every 6 weeks to over 4 releases per day, which necessitates a different, more collaborative, way of working. Having this increased office space available to us in combination with the opportunity to remodel to suit the way we interact with each other, came at a great time.”
If you find yourself in Perth in 2020, we would love to show you our new premises and introduce the team to you. Just give us a call on 08 6230 2290 to arrange a time.