Agworld started back in 2009 and a couple of years later Apple released its first iPad. It didn’t take long for Agworld to understand the opportunities that an iPad can offer our users, which paved the way for creating the first ‘Agworld for iPad’ app. Not too long after the Agworld iPad app was released, the Agworld iPhone app made its first appearance as well. Fast forward to 2019, iPhones are omnipresent and the Agworld app on the iPhone is one of the best-reviewed Farm Management apps in the App Store.
Where the Agworld App used to be more popular on iPad’s than iPhones, roughly 80% / 20%, a couple of years ago, usage of Agworld is now more or less even between the two device types. A large growth in grower adoption of Agworld is the main cause of this shift in trends. Agronomists tend to use Agworld for a large part of their daily tasks such as planning, scheduling, logistics and general agronomic tasks. As they use Agworld so often, they like to carry an iPad with them specifically for using Agworld. Growers however, especially with the increase in screen sizes of the latest iPhone models, tend to use iPhones a lot more as they carry their phone with them at all times, which allows them to use the app whenever they need to.
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My job as Mobile Software Engineer with Agworld means that I am responsible for creating a good user design for both Agworld Apps (iPhone and iPad) in order to ensure the best possible user experience. For iPhones, with their smaller screens compared to iPads, user experience becomes even more important to make sure the app is ‘quick and easy’ to use. It is for that reason that I, together with other Software Engineers at Agworld, have been busy redesigning the Agworld for iPhone app over the last 3 months.
So what is user experience design actually? With a clear focus on the user, user experience design seeks to unlock the inner workings of an audience’s needs and how they expect our Agworld app to function, look and feel. And this goes far beyond the visual design, including all touch points a user will encounter when they visit the app - from navigation, content, imagery, interactivity forms, etc. What this means for the new Agworld for iPhone app is that you can expect an App that is easier to use, more intuitive and it will speed up your most common tasks on Agworld.
Before and after:

The new Agworld for iPhone app is now available in the App Store and I am looking forward to seeing how it is received by yourself and other users. We have had users try the Beta version already and the feedback has been exceptionally positive; I fully expect you and other users to have the same experience, after a short period of adjusting to the new layout of course. And if you like it as much as we do, please don’t forget to write a review for us in the App Store!
If you have any feedback or questions for me, feel free to contact me on