We at Agworld have recently redesigned our maps page to be more interactive and informative. In addition to a range of under the hood changes to make it faster, the maps page is now a central hub for up to date agronomic and financial information for the farm.
Clicking on a paddock will now activate a side menu, making it easy to see what has been done and what is left to do. From here, you can easily create new jobs or tap on an existing job to see more information as well as print, edit, view or convert the job.
There are also some very handy agronomic and financial summaries available now directly from the side bar by tapping the agronomic or financial button. These will both be very familiar to those who use Agworld’s mobile apps.

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Harvest records are even easier to find and enter now. A small indicator will let you know if no harvest information has been added for this paddock. One tap will take you directly to a new harvest activity so that you can complete the financial and agronomic picture for the selected season.
Quick Tip: Remember when entering harvest records that you can go as high level or as detailed as you like. For example, you can add all your harvest information for your entire wheat program in one harvest activity or track each load with it’s own actual. To add your entire program, just add all the paddocks that contained that crop to a single activity, enter the total weight harvested and we’ll divide the tonnes evenly.
We’ve got lots more features planned, including Satamaps integration which is coming soon. So make sure you check out the improvements and let us know what you think!