One of the challenges growers tell us they face, is having their farm data spread between too many different ‘data silos’, which makes it difficult to see the big picture. While the Agworld platform is already the most popular and comprehensive farm data capturing and reporting tool available, we want to make it easier for you to view your data in full context by collaborating with the right integration partners. It is for this reason that the Agworld development team has been busy working on creating an integration between Agworld and Microsoft Power BI, the industry-leading business intelligence platform.
By sending structured, standardized Agdata from Agworld to Power BI, users can share insights with relevant stakeholders, get more visibility over operations, and gain flexibility with what they can do with their data. The team has created a number of standard reports and dashboards on the ‘Agworld for Growers’ Power BI app as a base point for any grower who wants to start utilizing the benchmarking and scenario analysis tools. The dashboards can be sliced and diced to drill in and ask questions of your data, such as: “how am I tracking against my budget?”, “where did this high cost come from?” and “how will this affect my forecasted position if I expect this yield?”.

The Agworld - Microsoft Power BI integration makes it easier to identify how your farming business is performing, and understand where you deviated from plans and recommendations. The way the dashboards are set up in Power BI also helps you identify any mistakes (operational or data-entry) that were made and check how this will change the forecasted gross margin. Additionally, alert notifications can be set up if certain limits are reached, such as exceeding projected budgets or excess input usage.
This makes the Agworld for Growers Power BI app the perfect tool for your management team to get a pulse of the whole farm operation and drill down into the details as needed in the main Agworld website or mobile apps.
Because Microsoft Power BI is a data warehouse, you can also build your own reports and dashboards based off of the Agworld dataset as well as other data platforms such as Xero, to get right real-time information stored in one place, at your fingertips.
We are confident that developing the integration with Power BI will lead to quicker, more data-driven decisions and yield positive results for our growers. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions about the integration and how you can test it out for yourself!