Being able to track operations and associated costs has long been one of the core features in Agworld, as it’s a key component for allowing growers to measure their risks and rewards. Within Agworld, users can utilise ‘default operations’, those operations that are applicable to most farming businesses, and ‘custom operations’, which are only applicable to a specific crop or small subset of users. With Agworld clients requesting an ever-increasing level of granularity in operations that are specific to their farming business, the Agworld development team has decided to make some improvements to ‘custom operations’ in Agworld. So, what does this mean for you?
Requesting new custom operations
- Every Agworld user will still have access to our default standardised list of operations
- If you are a grower on a Pro or Enterprise subscription, or an Agronomist or Ag Retailer, you will be able to request new custom operations to be added to your organisation
- Custom operations used by collaborators outside of your organisation will work seamlessly with your account and allow you to convert those jobs but not create new jobs with those custom operations until you request them for your own organisation.
- To request new custom operations for your organisation, contact your Agworld Customer Success representative.

Why do you have to contact us to have a new custom operation added or to have an existing custom operation added to your organisation? This is done for two simple reasons:
- One of Agworld’s unique features is its structured database. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to run useful reports or create the metrics you are used to. In order to keep our database structured, we have to keep everything, including custom operations, in the pre-selected drop-down menus. This is why our data team remains in charge of adding any new custom operations to our database.
- We don’t want to add every single new custom operation to every organisation’s list, as this would result in everyone needing to scroll through an enormously long list every time you are looking for a custom operation. With Agworld getting used in over 200 crops, we recognise the many differences between the way these crops are managed and the terminologies used; we therefore feel that it is better for each organisation to just request those custom operations they actually used, so that Agworld remains quick and easy to use for everyone.
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What else can you expect?
As part of this work, we have made a few other changes as well:
- You’ll notice in Agworld that some terminology has changed, with ‘cost activities’ now named ‘operations’ in order to create better naming alignment.
- We will remove some operations from the ‘default operations’ list as they are no longer being used, or only by a niche group of users - in which case they’ll move to the ‘custom operations’ list.
This is another positive step in helping growers improve their operational cost tracking and we’re excited for our users to start utilising this process. If you have any questions or requests for your custom operations list, your Agworld Customer Success representative is looking forward to having a chat with you!