By now most Agworld users will be familiar with 'Frames by Agworld', which allows contextual data to be displayed to growers and their connected users within the Agworld app. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive from every user that creates their first Frame, whether it is to check their inventory from Shed, view their autonomous Kingman Ag tractor data, or visualize their livestock data from Mobble in Australia.
After the acquisition of Agworld by Semios in August of 2021, a logical next step for the combined organization is the visualization of Semios' sensor data in the Agworld app through 'Frames by Agworld', which is now available for all growers that have both a Semios and Agworld account. After you have activated the Semios Frame, you will be able to view the following on the Agworld maps page:
- Current weather data from your in-field Semios weather stations
- Semios weather forecasts to check when conditions are ideal for sprays
- Semios trap counts and degree day data to inform your recommendations and applications
A major advantage of using Frames by Agworld is that everyone connected to your farming business in Agworld will be able to view these frames. So, instead of a consultant having to login to a plethora of apps in order to see all pertinent data for their portfolio of growers, they are now able to view all critical data right where they need it most: on the maps page of the Agworld app.

As you can see in this screenshot of my family's farming operation, we are already using the Semios - Agworld frames integration and I feel like it's adding a lot of value for us. By looking at all Semios trap data from the different blocks at once on the maps page in Agworld, it's easy to see which fields are outliers compared to the other blocks. Instead of looking at certain fields in isolation, this allows us to form a whole-farm view, and take management decisions accordingly.
I feel that the current, hourly, and 7-day weather forecasts will be very useful for growers and applicators to view in Agworld as it gives them the most accurate and up-to-date view of weather, and therefore spraying conditions on their farm. With other weather apps often pulling data from weather stations over 20 miles away from the farm, distance is definitely key to accuracy, and by displaying Semios' weather station data on Agworld's maps page users can be assured of having access to the right source of data.
If you have any questions about using either Semios or Agworld, or how to set up the Frames integration, please don't hesitate to contact me!