Business intelligence
Case Study
Make sure your reporting scales as your business expands
"It’s nice at the end of the year to be able to look across the fields as a management group and see what we did where, what worked and what didn’t, and really be able to look at the decisions we made and see if that’s something we want to apply going forward or whether we need to re-evaluate some of our strategies. Information is everything but these days there is too much information in Ag and it’s about having the right information to make decisions. To be able to look at our historic information in Agworld and see what we’ve done out there helps me make decisions as we move forward."Blake Vann
Vann Brothers, Williams, CA

Management Accounting
Case Study
Make more profitable decisions with management accounting made easy
"That’s what Agworld brings to us: management accounting made easy and accessible, which enables us as a partnership to make the most profitable decisions moving forward."Bruce Graham
Wairakaia Partnership, Gisborne, NZ

Analyzing Field Performance
Case Study
Better control of your operations through improved insights
"With Agworld, I am now able to see, field by field, the operations that are going across that field year by year. If I had more operations than I’d planned, or less, or if I spent more on fertilizer or pesticides than I had planned. Everything has become so easy to see in one glance and this really has given me a good control over our operations."Bob Payne
Payne Brothers Ranches, Knights Landing, CA

Succession Planning
Case Study
Manage the long-term success of your family farm
"Agworld not only makes us better at what we are doing right now, but it will also help the next generation as well. Our records will be preserved so that they will know what we have tried in the past and what the outcomes were. That information will be at their fingertips and not sitting in a box somewhere."Jamie Reamer
Reamer Farms, Inc., Clarksburg, CA.